Bishop Edouard SINAYOBYE

Mgr Édouard SINAYOBYE was born on 20 April 1966 in the District of Gisagara, Diocese of BUTARE. After primary school in Higiro, he did his secondary studies at the Petit Séminaire Saint-Léon de Kabgayi (where he graduated in Latin and modern languages). From 1993 to 1994, he studied at the Grand Séminaire Propédeutique de Rutongo. From 1994 to 2000, he studied philosophy and theology at the Grand Séminaire Saint-Charles Borromée in Nyakibanda. He was ordained a priest on 12 August 2000. After being ordained a priest, he exercised priestly ministry at Butare Cathedral Parish as parish vicar and director of the diocesan Justice and Peace Commission. In 2005, he was appointed parish priest of Gakoma Parish. From 2008 to 2013, he studied theology at the Instituto di spiritualita Teresianum in Rome, where he obtained a doctorate in spiritual theology. He is the author of several publications, including “Jean-Paul II, Pèlerin de l’espérance” and “Mère du Verbe à Kibeho, Un Charisme de renouvèlement spirituel pour notre temps. From 2013 until his appointment, he was Rector of the Regina Apostorolum Major Propaedeutic Seminary in Butare. On 06 February 2021, His Holiness Pope Francis appointed Monsignor Edouard SINAYOBYE as Bishop of the Diocese of Cyangugu. His consecration took place on 25 March 2021. His episcopal devotion is FRATERNITAS IN CHRISTO