From Sunday 27 May up to Wednesday 30 May 2018, at the “Centre Diocésain de Pastorale Incuti” in Cyangugu Diocese, there has been held three-day pro-life training session on the theme of “Building a culture of Life in Rwanda”. It is organised and cofunded by “Human Life international”. The participants are those in charge of “Family Action” from parishes of Cyangugu Diocese and in other Dioceses
. The training has been held by Mr Emil Hagamu, Regional Director of Human Life International in Eastern African region.
The participants learned the teaching of the Church on human life, family and marriage. Life has a divine origin as man is created in the image and resemblance of God. It has to be accepted, protected and defended from conception to natural death. Recalling the natural relationship between life, family and marriage, Mr Hagamu emphasized that family is a divine institution founded on marriage as a community of love and life, of a man and a woman and meant to be open to life
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Finally, Mr Hagamu talked of the 6 modern threats to human life, family and marriage: Contraception, Abortion, Euthanasia and assisted suicide, Reproductive technologies, Comprehensive Sexual Education and Homosexuality.

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. Father Longin NDUWAYEZU is explaining in Kinyarwanda.