Referring to the Canon Law 396: “A bishop is obliged to visit the Diocese annually either in whole or in part, so that he visits the entire Diocese at least every five years either personally or, if he has been legitimately impeded, through the coadjutor bishop, an auxiliary, vicar general, episcopal vicar, or another presbyter.” In that way, Bishop Edouard SINAYOBYE has paid a visit of two days to Runyanzovu parish from 21st January to 22nd January 2023. “
Saturday, 21st January 2023 morning, he has visited Matare, Gahati and Gatare subparishes and thereafter meets Christians; the afternoon was spent visiting Runyanzovu Christians where the the parish church is built and he talk with the Finance Committee.
On Sunday morning, at 7:30 am, Bishop Edouard presided the morning mass and baptized 3 children. After the mass he held the parish council meeting. This council includes members of groups responsible for the material and spiritual needs of the parish.
The Bishop concludes his pastoral visit by meeting with the clergy, Father Nduwamungu Jean Baptiste, the Parish Priest, Father Dusenge Issa Moïse, the Vicar and the seminarian in pastoral work. And then he visits a woman who suffers from cancer at her home and comforts her by laying hands on her.
In conclusion, this pastoral visit was appreciated by parishioners, first of all, because it was the first time for the Bishop to visit the Sub parishes at the same time and because he encouraged the Finance Committee, Parish Council and all Christians to be responsible to the growth of their new parish.
Runyanzovu is a 21st new parish of Cyangugu Catholic Diocese founded and erected by Bishop Eduard Sinayobye on September, 18th 2022. It was born from Mibirizi and Mwezi parishes. It is located in Rusizi District, Nkungu and Nyakarenzo Sectors, near Cyamudongo natural forest ( part of Nyungwe National Park). Runyanzovu parish has 5 sub parishes : Matare, Gahati, Mutimasi, Gatare and Runyanzovu.
Collected by Father Dusenge Issa Moïse