In Nyamasheke district, Bushekeri sector, Ngoma cell, in the villages, of Buhembe and Kagarama there were an immense mudslide that has been caused by a heavy rain that rained in the night of 10th May 2021.
Approximately surface area of 12Ha inhabited has been impacted by this mudslide. The effects of this mudslide is like this at this moment:
Thirty-nine (39) houses (households) had been fully collapsed and one hundred seventeen houses are at stake and anytime they can collapse. Generally, all households that are found in those two villages, equals to three hundred twenty-one (321) households were affected by that mudslide.

Buhembe and Kagarama basic ecclesial communities which is in Nyanza central, Ntendezi parish have been affected too.
The families of affected area are in worst condition right now. That’s why we encourage benefactors to do their best so that the victims of that hazard can get the basic things they need including shelter, food, pure water and other basic needs.