Week of poor in Cyangugu diocese

In 33rd week of ordinary time each year, in Catholic Church we celebrate a world week of poor. In Cyangugu diocese this week was celebrated in every parish through different activities that were aiming to help poor people in need.

At the beginning twenty poor people from all parishes of Cyangugu diocese had a pilgrimage to Holy land of Kibeho through the help of The Emmanuel community (Communauté de l’Emmanuel) and diocesan Caritas of Cyangugu. At Kibeho they met with others from every diocese of Rwanda where they took the time of praying and repenting. This action was aiming to help people who have no financial means of visiting Kibeho to go there and enjoy the goodness of God through Holy Mary, the mother of God.

Apart from this, Diocesan Caritas of Cyangugu together with all parishes of this diocese organized the charity activities aimed to help poor in this week where 16 houses were built and renovated, collecting food and clothes for the poor, labor work and many other actions of supporting needy. 

One of people who were assisted in this week, Mukeshimana Violette a widow citizen of Rasano parish thanked Caritas Cyangugu and Rasano parish for finding her where she can live. She said that it has been so long when she has to go house by house begging people to offer her a place to stay and now she’s thankful to God because she owns her own house. She insisted that this action going to change her life and the life of her two years baby.  

Diocesan Caritas director, Father Jérémie NSABIMANA,  thanked the parishes he has went through in that week for well organization of activities they have done and the big number of individuals who have attended these activities. Particularly he thanked the youth for playing a big role in implementation of these activities. He continues asking them to keep supporting poor not only in the week dedicated to them but also in daily life; for they really need someone to understand, advice and support them.

On the day of starting this week, Pope Francis declared that unless our hope translates into decision and concrete gestures of concern, justice, solidarity and care for our common home, the suffering of poor will not be relieved, the economy of waste that forces them to live on the margins will not be converted, their expectations will not blossom anew. “When believers want to see Jesus face-to-face and touch him with their hands they know where to go. Poor are Christ Sacraments, they stand for him and direct us to him.” Pope Francis said at the world day of the poor Mass.  

Normally, diocesan Caritas of Cyangugu has responsibilities of helping poor people and other people in need. The theme of this year’s week of poor is “the poor you will always have with you” the words of Jesus recorded in Mark 14:7.

Kazuba Fabrice